The first step in forming a corporation is to obtain a corporate charter from the state of incorporation. 创建公司的第一步是从公司注册州获得公司执照。
The main purpose of registration of corporation charter is to publicize corporate information for the security and efficiency of exchange. 公司章程登记的主要目的在于公示公司的信息,以维护交易安全和迅捷,公司章程登记具有公信力和对抗力。
The corporation is subject to the principle of majority rule: holders of a majority of the voting share govern after it is established by contract or special charter or bylaw provision. 该原则经由协议、专门的章程或细则所确定后,公司将服从多数决原则即持有多数表决股份者控制公司的决策。
The binding force of corporation charter on the objects indicates the relationship of rights and duties among the objects. 董事、监事和经理应遵守公司章程对其义务的规定,包括忠实义务和注意义务。公司章程对各对象的约束力,体现了各对象相互间的权利义务关系。
The Nature of the Corporation Charter Company F COMPANY 公司章程的性质
The character of corporation charter determined its validity, so to analyses the character thereof is the beginning to study the validity thereof. 公司章程的性质对其效力具有基础性的作用,分析公司章程的性质是研究公司章程效力的起点。
In the fight of the anti-takeover, the target corporation considers the corporate charter as an important defense. 在收购战中,目标公司将章程作为反收购的重要屏障。
Based on this definition, this chapter analyzes specifics from several aspects of a corporation, including corporate charter, operation and dissolution. 在此基础上,从公司设立、公司章程、公司经营、公司解散等几个方面对公司自治的具体形式予以了分析。
If we really want to draft a suitable charter for the development of individual corporation, we should understand the legal validity of the corporate charter completely and systematically. 要想真正制定适合公司个体发展的公司章程,应对公司章程法律效力有一个完整性、体系性的了解。
After analyzing the security system of the corporation, the effect of violation the corporate charter was discussed by category. 在对我国现行公司对外担保制度进行分析后,就公司做出对外担保的决议违反公司章程规定的效力分类别进行了论述。